(1969 - )

Bongani Mgaga

Attack is the best form of Defence

This is the title of a chess article written in 2007 by Bongani Mgaga. In it he relates the anguish experienced when his "won games" prove so hard to win. Bongani has a humorous style (I chuckled over the story of the horse's last kick) and sets out some lessons for us all to ponder. Obviously the lessons came in useful, as he became the 2008 and 2009 club champion.

The introduction to Bongani's excellent article starts as follows: "I have been playing chess for more than 15 years now! My chess strength has gradually improved but not to the level I believe it should be. Throughout my lengthy chess career I have won more than double the number of games I have lost. However, almost more than half of the games I have lost were the games, objectively speaking, I should have won had I not committed one or more of the mistakes I am warning against hereunder."

Durban Metro Chess Academy

Bongani is the chairperson of DMCA, whose motto is "Push Pawns, Not Drugs!!". For more information about DMCA you should contact Bongani at 076-1980213.

The DMCA were one of the organisers of David MacEnulty's first visit to Durban in 2007. David was the lead character featured in the movie "Knights of the South Bronx" and has been back to Durban a number of times. Desmond Rooplal wrote a report about this visit for ChessBase.

DMCA Report for 2010

The DMCA has supplied me with a copy of their annual report for 2010. The report by Bongani on the 2010 year can be downloaded in pdf format.

DMCA INK Project

This project involves schools in the Inanda, Ntuzuma and Kwa Mashu (INK) areas who have been receiving a Basic Chess Course. The aim is to encourage and promote chess at primary schools, particularly in township areas. It is intended to get further schools involved in chess education at a later date. If you are able to assist in any way (sponsorships would be most welcome), then you can contact Bongani on 076-1980213 for more information.

The full article on the INK project can be downloaded in pdf format. Or you can have a look at some pictures from the Rural Maths, Science and Technology Forum:

Two of the teachers showing their learners
that they can also play chess
The late Nkululeko Mtshali (DMCA) giving a talk
to the learners about the wonders of chess

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